The Académie des Métiers de la Diplomatie is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901, which is composed of honorary members, benefactor members, ordinary members and founding members. It is administered by a board of directors and an office.


Jean-claude cousseran

Founding President of the Academy

christian connan

Founding Member and Vice President

board of directors

The Academy is administered by a board of directors comprising at least two or three members, elected for three years among the founding members. It decides on the admission of the members of the association, controls the management of the members of the board, and decides on all the questions which are of its competence.

office / executive committee

The Executive Committee, whose members are chosen by the Board of Directors, is elected for a five-year term. It manages the Academy, prepares Board meetings, implements Board decisions and handles day-to-day business between Board meetings. The Executive Committee comprises a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Managing Director. The Chairman of the Executive Committee is the President of the Academy.

the team

General Manager:

Partnerships & Marketing Manager:

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