jean-claude cousseran

President and Founder

a word from the president

"The International Diplomatic Academy, which for decades had been recognized as a major institution of dialogue, training and advice in diplomatic matters, has been forced to cease its activities.

A group of former ADI officials, including Ambassador Jean Claude Cousseran, Ambassador Christian Connan, Mrs. Mbarka Zineddine as well as several trainers of the former team, wished to create the Académie des Métiers de la Diplomatie to continue the training mission that was the ADI's.

The aim is to provide a modern and competitive structure to the many professionals seeking a solid training in international relations.

Modern diplomacy is no longer limited to strict inter-state relations. A growing number of non-governmental actors now occupy an undeniable place on the international scene. Moreover, the Internet has virtually erased the borders of information and ideas circulate in real time. Faced with these new dynamics, governments and companies are confronted with unprecedented challenges and must grasp the stakes and anticipate their evolution.

It is in this context of profound changes in the diplomatic and international landscape that the Académie des Métiers de la Diplomatie (AMD), under the impetus of its President and former members of the Académie Diplomatique Internationale, is committed to offering the international community, businesses and civil society the keys to understanding and providing concrete answers to their needs, and thus perpetuating the traditional activities of the ADI.

The WDA program includes training sessions, consulting services, study groups, and conferences on major international issues.

Other activities are being developed and I suggest that you consult this site regularly to follow the evolution of our work. We are of course always open to your suggestions, so please do not hesitate to let us know.


The Academy of Diplomacy Professions (AMD) is a center of excellence in training, research, and consulting in diplomacy and international affairs. Its creation in 2019 is the result of an official agreement by the International Diplomatic Academy (IDA), which following the cessation of its activities in 2018, conceded to the AMD the right to take over its training program. It is indeed, on the part of the former leading members of the IDA (Ambassadors Jean-Claude Cousseran and Christian Connan, and Ms. Mbarka Zineddine) to ensure the continuity and continue the development and influence of its traditional activities.

The vocation of the AMD is to promote, under the sign of excellence and independence, a modern diplomacy based on the principles of law and international cooperation, through a work of analysis, dissemination, exchange and sharing of knowledge and best practices between professionals from the political, diplomatic, economic and academic worlds, as well as from civil society and the media.

Relying on a unique network of contacts - experts and intellectuals - at the global level, the Academy offers to the actors and future actors of the diplomatic and international life a wide training program and reinforcement of professional skills, adapted to the evolutions and practices of the diplomatic professions, and more widely, of all professions requiring skills in the international field. It also offers consulting, research, analysis, and specialized study services on strategic and international issues.

The MDA counts among its members and close collaborators many of those who have played a decisive role in the evolution of the activities of the International Diplomatic Academy.

our mission

The mission of the Academy is to promote, under the sign of excellence and independence, a modern diplomacy based on the principles of law and international cooperation, through a work of analysis, dissemination, exchange and sharing of knowledge and best practices between professionals of the political, diplomatic, economic, academic world, as well as civil society and the media.

The objective is :

  • To offer training sessions adapted to the evolution of diplomatic and international functions and practices, aiming to develop the professional capacities of current and future international actors.
  • To offer to the diplomatic and international community a range of activities (conferences, debates, think tanks, and research and advisory services), aimed at supporting understanding, analysis and exchange of views on strategic and international issues.

The Academy's activities are organized with a network of French and international partners from the public, private and independent sectors.

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