The Academy of Diplomacy is a center of excellence dedicated to training, research and consulting in diplomacy and international affairs.
Benefit from the expertise of eminent diplomats and the contribution of high-level professionals.




press release
mission of the academy
The AMD's vocation is to promote, under the sign of excellence and independence, a diplomacy based on the principles of law and international cooperation, through analysis, dissemination, exchange and sharing of knowledge and best practices between professionals from the political, diplomatic, economic and academic worlds, as well as from civil society and the media.
The Academy
our trainings
Protocol & Diplomatic Practice
An applied training course allowing you to become familiar with the different styles and customs of protocol and diplomacy, and to acquire the skills necessary to prepare and organize events in a formal and informal setting.
see the training
Careers in Diplomacy and International Affairs
This multidisciplinary program will provide you with a better understanding of key developments and issues in international relations, and will enable you to master the tools and operational techniques needed to act in an informed and effective manner in various diplomatic and international contexts.
see the training
Pre-Assignment Seminar
A special preparation to reinforce your knowledge of France, the practical functioning of its institutions, its information and influence networks, the main actors of French society and the political and economic sphere, as well as those of the European Union.
see the training
Media & Diplomacy
This workshop will provide you with a better understanding of the power of the media, and will enable you to master the techniques necessary to prepare press releases and interviews (TV, Radio, Print, Internet).
see the training
International Negotiation
This workshop will give you a better understanding of the stakes and dynamics of negotiation in a bilateral and multilateral context, and will provide you with the key practical tools and techniques to prepare and conduct the negotiation process effectively in various professional situations.
see the training
Crisis Management
This practical workshop will allow you to better understand crises and to master the operational techniques necessary to analyze, anticipate, intervene, communicate and resolve emergency and crisis situations.
see the trainingour auditors
Success rate
Years of experience
Our target is a large and multidisciplinary community based in France and abroad:

- Diplomats and staff accredited to diplomatic missions
- Diplomats and officials accredited to international and regional organizations
- Political staff (attachés, political secretaries, parliamentary assistants, party or political study center staff)
- Public service employees (ministries, government agencies)
- Professionals from non-governmental organizations
- Executives of public and private sector companies
- Journalists, Press Officers, and Public Relations Officers
- Students and people in professional conversion destined for international careers